1: Tablets Still Provide Utility

First and foremost, the tablet will – at worst – become a niche device. It’s likely, however, that it will still remain mainstream for a very long time for one simple reason. The fact that there’s a bigger screen may turn off some people who are looking for a device that fits in their pockets, but to others this is a selling point. There’s also the fact that regardless of how powerful smartphones become, tablets will always be one step ahead simply because of the fact that you can fit more hardware in the amount of space provided by one. All of these things make you more likely to read a book, browse the web, participate in video conferencing, and play a game from of a tablet rather than from your phone. As long as you don’t mind having a device that won’t fit in your pocket, you’re likely going to prefer a tablet to a smartphone. And there are many people who feel this way. The argument for utility alone should convince anyone that tablets are here to stay. So, why are their sales declining?

2: The Market Is Just Settling

Analysts in the technology sector often overlook the fact that every new device that experiences what we would call “success” in the market has a small explosion in sales, followed by steady increases, and then a slight downward curve when new devices are no longer in such high demand. I guarantee that if tablet manufacturers introduced something revolutionary we would see the embers rekindle as if we were back in 2010. Tablets aren’t selling for the same reason people don’t buy new personal computers and laptops every year. With smartphones we also have to take into account the offers that carriers make. Purchasing a phone as part of your new contract provides the incentive to upgrade frequently. If the smartphone market relied purely on sales outside of the carrier’s reach, sales would probably follow the same downward trend.

3: They’re Superior Workplace Tools

Workplaces have recently been adopting various technologies to help them keep in touch with their workers on the field. Fleet management, video conferencing, and task management all depend on software that runs on mobile devices or desktops. Since it would be inconvenient to ask someone to bring their desktop PC or laptop outside of the office, the tablet has become the go-to device for communication in this situation. According to a report by Forrester Research, about a third of companies are now providing tablets to their workers to facilitate the process of their duties.


Even through sales are declining, the amount of people with tablets out there amounts to about one-tenth of the world population. The device is slowly becoming a business-worthy item and may eventually evolve as time goes by to fit various niches in the market. I don’t doubt for a second that we will be continue to see tablets for years to come governing the way we do business and communicate. Do you have a tablet? How is it most useful for you? Tell us in a comment!