To get started with UrlExt, head over to the website and enter up to 10 URLs that you’d like to share in the text box – one per line. When you’re done, click on the “submit” button.

You will be give an “extended URL” for sharing, which is actually a short URL that will open multiple tabs for each URL added when clicked.

In order for your extended URL to work properly, the pop-up blocker will need to be turned off in your browser (or the person clicking). If pop-up blocker is not turned off, only one URL will open – the first one entered. Here’s how to turn off pop-up blocker in Chrome and Firefox: Chrome – Chrome menu icon -> Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Content Settings button (under Privacy) -> In “Pop-ups” section select “Allow all sites to show pop-ups, or click on “Manage exceptions” and add [*.] to the list instead. Firefox –  Firefox menu -> Preferences -> Content panel -> uncheck “block pop-up windows” option, or click on “Exceptions” and add to the list instead. Although having to turn off pop-up blocker for UrlExt can be a bit of a nuisance, once done you can use the service indefinitely without issue. This is an easy-to-use service that will save you and those you share links with a little time, by automatically opening each link in a new tab. URL Extender