How to Begin

ScrapPad is easy to use. When you first start the app, it has an on-screen tutorial to guide you how to begin with the application. To begin, you can either click the “+” in the top right corner or you can click “Create Book”. From there, you are presented with three choices: Add your multimedia, add borders and other elements or add pages from ScrapPad’s theme kit. The theme kit offers many options for individuals just starting out with scrapbooking.

Options and Features

The ScrapPad theme kit allows you to add preset options and features onto your scrapbook without having to do much. They are set based on events and themes. They include the starter kit, great for beginners. There are also many holiday ones, including mother’s day, fourth of July, spring themes and more. However, these are only presets and they are highly customizable. If you don’t see a holiday you celebrate, customize and create it yourself. Aside from the themes, you can create custom backgrounds using prints and even your own images. They can be added and changed at anytime, so don’t worry about being pressured to choose. The same applies for the borders in ScrapPad. However, what’s a scrapbook without stickers? No matter how much it hurt me to type that, it’s true. ScrapPad has many stickers and designs to choose from. You can even customize them by writing your own message inside a sticker. As always, unlike photo applications like iPhoto, where when you create a book and want to change the theme, the design is compromised, ScrapPad preserves your original design even when switching to a different theme.

Strengths and Faults

The faults are very minimal, especially for those who are looking to ScrapPad as your final destination for your photos before they appear in your scrapbook. Individuals looking to do more to their photos than just adding them into their scrapbook will be mildly disappointed. Don’t expect any options for adding Sepia or black and white to any of your photos once added. That should be done well before hand. Aside from that, the concept is strong and the sharing options are something that will make ScrapPad your only needed scrapbooking application. However, expect to find yourself falling back to iPhoto from time to time for a few image tweeks.

Sharing Your Work

The sharing options available are very similar to that we find on iPhoto and iBooks Author applications (aside from the store availability of course). For example, you can email your book, save as a PDF, or save it as a .jpg. PDF is great for individuals who are looking to email, but still want to save a finished copy on their machines. In addition, if you are looking to print it out for a handy copy, PDF is your best bet. For individuals wanting a better quality finished product, saving as a .jpg will be the best choice however you must remember that each page is saved. That means it’s not recommended for larger books. Now, others can enjoy your amazing work! Download ScrapPad Today!