Download and Install Google Chrome

Since Google Chrome is not found in the Software Center, we need to download the installer from its website. Note: if you are using Arch Linux, Google Chrome is found in the AUR. You can install it with any of these AUR helpers. Enjoy the Google Chrome browser on Ubuntu.

Install Chrome Using Flatpak Library

If you prefer a more direct method of obtaining Chrome, try using Flatpak. Chrome browser is available on Flathub; however, Google doesn’t support or manage the application on the platform, so you will be installing the package at your own risk. (You can learn how to install Flatpak on Ubuntu and other distributions.) Let the Terminal download packages and install the browser. Chrome will be installed successfully on Linux PC. Open the menu and search for the browser.

Manually Update the Chrome Browser on Ubuntu

There are a few ways to update Google Chrome on your Ubuntu machine. By default, on a regular update, the system will update Google Chrome, too. But if it fails to update on its own, you can use any of the following methods to manually update Google Chrome on your machine.

Use Software Center

Note: if your Ubuntu Software center is not working, we have fixes here.

Use Command Line

Use Software Updater

The Software Updater will notify you of new software updates when they are available for your computer. Tip: not keen on using Ubuntu? Check out other Debian-based Linux distributions here. All screenshots by Krishna Kumar Silvery.