Why do you need desktop Windows 8 update notifications?

Windows 8 does not do a great job informing users when there are updates to install. In fact, unless you know where to look, you may not even realize you have Windows 8 updates. Since most Windows 8 users still utilize the desktop every day, being able to see when you have updates is an effective way to make sure Windows 8 is up to date. Windows 8 offers no way to do this by default so you have to find a tool to do it for you.

How to use Windows Update Notifier

  1. Download the Windows Update Notifier here.
  2. Windows Update Notifier does not need to be installed. Simply unzip the download and click on its EXE to begin using it.
  3. Left-click on the Windows Update Notifier icon in the taskbar.

This will give you basic details about the application, such as what version you are using and a link to its web site. 4. Right-click on the icon in the taskbar for Windows Update Notifier.

This will open the context menu for the app. From here, you can search for updates, disable notifications on new updates and open the Windows Update Control Panel. 5. Click “Settings” in the Windows Update Notifier context menu.

  1. You can change the settings for Windows Update Notifier here. You can start Windows Update Notifier with Windows 8, hide the tray icon and choose the frequency it checks for updates. You can also change how Windows 8 deals with updates by running it as the Administrator on your system. However, you are better off customizing how your system deals with Windows Update through the operating system’s settings rather than the app’s settings.

  2. When you have updates available, you will see them in a pop-out similar to previous versions of Windows.

  3. Click on the update box to open the Windows Update Control Panel.

  4. This will open the old fashioned Windows Update users are familiar with. From here, you can update Windows like you are used to doing.


Windows 8 is updated frequently, and missing out on updates can cause all sorts of issues from system instability to increased functionality. Knowing when you have updates in a way that makes you truly notice them is key to ensuring you never miss out on a Windows 8 update. Windows Update Notifier is one way to do just that. Do you miss the old way Windows notified you on updates or have you become used to how Windows 8 handles them?