Have you found a couple of Vine videos online and you want to keep them? Maybe you want to download all of your most popular Vines and make a compilation for YouTube. Or maybe you’re just wanting to download your favorite Viner’s work. How do you do it?

Downloading Vine videos

Downloading videos from Vine is pretty simple. For this process, we’ll use a website. Point your web browser to this link here to get started downloading.

Once you’re at the website, locate the URLs to the Vine video(s) you’d like to download. Copy the video URL, then paste it into the “Enter Vine URL” box and press the “Download” button.

The downloader will scan the Vine video and then it’ll generate a download link. Click the download button to grab the video. It’ll then be downloaded directly to your PC. From there, you’ll be able to do what you wish with the video.

Do you have more Vine videos that you’d like to download? Click on the “Start Over” button. The website will bring you through the downloading process again (so that you can save more Vine videos).

Downloading Vines on mobile

Want to download Vines on mobile? It’s understandable. Most people do basically everything on the go. It’s possible to download Vine videos directly to your Android device. Just download this Video Downloader (for Vines) app. Once the app is installed to your device, open up your Vine app and browse for a video. This usually only works with timeline videos (ones you can share). As soon as you’ve found the video you’d like to download, click the “Share” button underneath it. This will bring up Vine’s sharing menu.

Inside this share menu, click the “share to” button. This will bring up yet another menu. Inside this menu, locate Vine Downloader (you might need to click the more button to find it). The video should open up inside the Vine Downloader app. Soon after, you’ll be able to take your saved videos for use elsewhere!


Vine is a really cool space full of super creative people. It’s a wonderland filled with tons of short films. People get really creative with Vine, and because of this it’s gotten insanely popular. Even big companies are making 6 second videos. Being able to download these 6 second videos could be a really great thing for Vine. Heck, it could be a great thing for online video in general. Think of all the YouTube Vine compilations that will be created because of this. Not to mention, Vine creators themselves could download their work and upload it to other platforms. The possibilities are endless.