To use Mountain Tweaks, simply download it from its website.
Extract the zip file and move the Mountain Tweaks application to the “Applications” folder.
Run the application. This is what you will see:
You should see that there are a series of tweaks available, including “Show the user Library folder”, “Enable 2D Dock”, “Disable local Time Machine Backups”, “Enable iTunes Dock Animation” and many more. To activate any of the tweak, you just have to click the “Yes” button beside it.
Other than the general tweaks, there is also Lion-specific tweaks and Mountain Lion-specific tweaks. If you just click on the “Lion Tweaks” tab, you can see all the tweaks that will work in OSX Lion. These tweaks might work in Mountain Lion, but the Mountain Lion tweaks won’t work in Lion, simply because those features are not available in Lion at all (like the Gatekeeper and Notification Center).
And in case you have messed things up, there is a Restore button where you can return all the system settings to their default settings.
Tweaking your Mac is not a difficult task, you just need to know where and how to make the changes. With Mountain Tweaks, you can forget about those tweaks you have learned in the past, because all of them are now easily accessible in one single place. Not to mention that you can easily restore to system default if you messed things up. Mountain Tweaks