We’re wondering now what will happen with this industry in the future, even though it hasn’t really even started other than in just a couple limited instances. To get the conversation going, we asked a couple of our writers, “How do you think delivery drones will fare in the future?”

Our Opinion

Derrik thinks it will be interesting to see what happens in the future with delivery drones, but he doesn’t see it being cost effective for quite awhile as “drones are expensive,” so he doesn’t think many companies will invest in the service right away. Jeffry believes these deliveries “only fare well within a small closed area, like for example a delivery system within a company in one building.” He is considering downsides such as the risk of losing the package or the drone, and a package possibly being too big to handle for most delivery companies. He sees the traditional delivery options as being more practical and cheap.

Trevor isn’t really sure what will happen with delivery drones in the future. He believes it will be nothing more than a fad initially, and that “once the coolness wears off,” he can see them “being a nuisance.”

Your Opinion

Are you hesitant when it comes to delivery drones and aren’t sure what will happen with them in the future? Or are you cautiously optimistic about how this could change the Internet shopping industry? How do you think delivery drones will fare in the future? Join our conversation in the comments below.