Since the launch of this site in 2007, there has been no proper logo for Make Tech Easier. It was fine in the past when this site is small and we only have few visitors. Times have changed. We have seen substantial growth in traffic and readership over the years. While we have gone through several server upgrade and site design, the (ugly) logo never change. Until now. We are going to re-establish our identity with a new logo, and your help. Here’s the deal: Help us design a new logo and stand to win $295. Enter the contest here (hosted in 99Designs). Wait! If anyone of you (MTE readers and fans) win the contest, I will throw in another Kindle Fire. So the deal is now $295 + Kindle Fire. (Please remind us if YOU wins the contest. We will award the Kindle Fire separately). Some simple rules:

  1. The logo must consists of a picture (icon, mascot etc) and the text “MakeTechEasier”. The picture should be “detachable” from the text so it can be used as a standalone icon, favicon etc.
  2. Our primary color is blue (#336699) and it must be reflected in the logo. Other complementary color (not more than 3) are welcome as well.
  3. We don’t really have a good logo since the launch of the site, so this logo must be defining and is able to bring out the impression of “making tech easier“. The design of this logo is completely free play. There is no restriction of the font, effect, picture type etc. I will leave it to your creativity to produce the best logo. Get your creativity hat on now. The contest starts now and ends on 30th Nov 2011. Enter the contest here