It all started back in Nov 2007 when I wanted to have a personal space to document all my tech knowledge. I am tired of bookmarking a tons of tutorial sites and return to find that they are no longer around. I reckon that the only way to have these tutorials at my fingertips is to keep them on my own blog so I can refer to them anytime I want. I also try to write these tutorials in an easy-to-understand and easy-to-follow manner so I won’t be confused by my own writing in the future. That is when I coined the term “make tech easier”, or at least making it easier for me. The year 2007 is also the year I started to use Ubuntu on a full scale. I started playing with Ubuntu Dapper 6.06 and completely replaced my Windows XP with Ubuntu when 7.04 was released. Back then, the command line is almost the way to survive (on Linux) and Linux tutorials were few and sparse. That also explains why plenty of our Linux articles were an instant hit and they helped push the traffic to beyond my imagination. By June 2008, we were already having a consistent traffic count of 3000 – 5000 visitors per day, despite that only one article was published per day, excluding the weekend. With the increased traffic and income, that is when I started to realize that I could go full-time on this. Five years down the road, we are now a multi-writers team and have transitioned from just a Linux blog to include Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and more. We have published over 3000 tutorials, tips and tricks and will continue to do so for many years to come. For those who have followed us throughout the whole journey or along the way, thank you very much. Without all of you, we won’t be what we are today. Lastly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAKE TECH EASIER

Welcome to our Birthday bash!

The fifth year is always a memorable year. In my country, people always hold a celebration for their 5th birthday, or in work, receives a medal for long service award. And yes, we will be holding a series of celebration, recognition and giveaways. You heard me right, we have giveaways for you, not 1 or 2, but 5 giveaways that we will hold throughout the week. On top of all that, we also have a very special giveaway. Do check out the site again for more detail. I promise, it will be worth your while. Image credit: a group of balloons with the words happy birthday hanging from the strings by Big Stock Photo.