If you’re looking for a way to access the note-taking service from the command line, try Geeknote, an open-source Evernote console client for Linux, as well as other platforms like FreeBSD and Mac OS X. In this article, we will discuss the basics of Geeknote and its installation on Linux, as well as the features it provides.


Note: All these installation steps have been tested on Ubuntu 14.04. Use the following commands to install Geeknote: Once done, just run the following command: This command will ask you to enter your Evernote login credentials, as well as a two-factor authentication code (you can skip this by just pressing Enter in case you have not set it up with Evernote). If everything goes fine, you should receive the following message:

Geeknote features

You can use Geeknote to perform all basic Evernote functions including creating/editing/deleting/searching notes, as well as creating notebooks and tags. It also has a feature to sync files with the popular note taking service. Here are some examples of the basic features Geeknote provides:

Create notes

You can use Geeknote to easily create notes in Evernote. Here is the command for it: Here is what the individual options mean:

–title: The title of the new note we want to create. –content : The content of the new note (it must not contains double quotes). –notebook : The notebook where the new note should be saved. This option is not mandatory. If it isn’t given, the note will be saved in a default notebook. If a notebook doesn’t exist Geeknote will create it automatically. –tags : Tags that the note will have. It can accept multiple tags, separated with commas.

Here is a working example: As is clear from the screenshot of Evernote’s web interface that is shown below, the command above creates a new note titled “My first note” containing the text “This is a test node” in the notebook “First Notebook.”

Edit notes

To edit a note, use the following command: Here is a working example that edits the title as well as the content of the note created in the previous example: The command above changes the note’s title from “My first note” to “My first note[edited]:, and its content from “This is a test note” to “This is an edited test note”.

Search notes

Geeknote can also be used to easily search notes in Evernote. Here is the command for it: Here is a working example: The above command produced the following output on my machine: So you can see that Geeknote was able to search notes stored in Evernote.

Remove notes

To remove existing notes, use the following command: Here is a working example: The command above should delete the note titled My first note[edited]. This can be confirmed by searching the note: A quick look at Evernote’s web interface also confirms the same:

For more features, head over to Geeknote’s official documentation.


As the name suggests, Geeknote is clearly for a niche audience that consists of Linux system administrators and command line power users. It might not offer every feature that Evernote provides, but certainly gets the basic work done quite easily. Have you ever used Geeknote? What are your thoughts about it? Share your experiences in the comments below.