This leads to a question of whether you should upgrade as soon as it’s available or whether you should wait until all the kinks are worked out. Do you upgrade your system software right away?

Our Opinion

Alex plays it smart and has a machine set aside for immediate updates, yet he typically waits to upgrade his production machine until the “first point update.” Sayak keeps Microsoft’s forced updates disabled, yet they “constantly pester you to update at their pace, not yours. Bugs and all, you’re welcome.” He had trouble with the version 1903 update for Windows 10 and suggests they’re probably the only software company that expects users to have to deal with their rookie mistakes. He believes their take on the famous adage must be, “If it is broke, we totally expect you to fix it.” Phil reports that he tends to update iOS and Linux devices immediately and that they’re safe. But with Windows, he only updates every once in a while. He waits forever with macOS since he upgraded a couple of revisions back and lost everything. He didn’t have a working computer for the better part of a week. It used to be really smooth and trouble-free; he doesn’t know what’s changed. Andrew explains that if he’s prompted to update and is not actively using his computer, he’ll generally do it. He hasn’t had enough bad experiences with updates to be wary of new updates, and his files are backed up anyway, so he doesn’t worry about it for the most part. Damien is always looking forward to an upgrade for his Android phone, as it means more features or more security patches. For his Windows machine, he really hates to upgrade, as it forces him to restart. And when he has to shut it down, it shows the message that says, “Hang on, we are upgrading your system,” which he finds very annoying. “System upgrades are generally fine, but Microsoft can always find a way to screw it up.” I find updates really exciting, so I generally do it right away. I haven’t really ever been bitten by that. And I also take a chance and do public betas on iOS, even though it’s on my main devices. Especially that first version of an update. It’s exciting to me! Outside of public betas, I still upgrade right away, knowing that it’s important to upgrade to keep up with security upgrades.

Your Opinion

It seems that those who have been bitten by upgrading right away are more careful and tend to wait, while those who haven’t been bitten go ahead and take the chance, upgrading right away. What do you do? Do you upgrade your system software right away? Tell us in a comment below.