1. Locale GTalk Plug-in Free

Using this plugin will help let other people know you are busy or otherwise engaged. Using this plugin in combination with the location setting in Locale, you can choose different GTalk status messages based on your location. If you are at the playground, you can have it set to change your status to busy with the status “@the park with the kids”.

Locale GTalk Plug-in Free (Free)

2. Locale Headphones Plug-in

Locale Headphones Plug-in adds a condition to the list of possibilities. This means you can have actions happen just by plugging in your earbuds to your phone or tablet. A great example to use Locale Headphones Plug-in is to use the combunation of the Location condition and the Headphones plugin so when you plug in your headphones at the gym, your music player will start right up.

Locale Headphones Plug-in ($0.99)

3. K-9 Mail Locale Plug-in

The K-9 email app for Android is awesome for people who may use a work email on their Android phone or tablet. The K-9 plug-in allows for some great automatic controls. For example, you can set the K-9’s theme to change based on the time of day. You can also change how often K-9 checks for new mail based on conditions you set in Locale. Use the Location condition and this plug-in to check your email less in bad reception areas.

K-9 Mail Locale Plug-in ($1.99)

4. Locale SMS Plug-in

Have you ever told someone you would text them when you got home? I know there are times when I say I will and forget. They get mad or worry. When this is the case, use the Locale SMS Plug-in as an action to send an SMS to that person when you get home. You will need to use a condition like your home Wi-Fi or your home GPS coodinates to trigger this action.

Locale SMS Plug-in ($0.99)

5. Astrid Locale Add-on

Part of the problem with any to-do list is remembering to check it. Using the Astrid plug-in, you can associate an Astrid tag with a condition. Say for example, you want to get some stuff next time you are at the mall, but none of it is important enough to warrant a separate trip. Make a tag in Astrid for things you’d like to get when you are at the mall. Then you can set up a notification so the next time you are at or near the mall (Location condition), you will remember to get those less important items.

Astrid Locale Add-on ($1.49)

6. Locale “Inbound SMS” Plug-in

Some text messages require some special attention. Using this Locale condition, you can set an action based on who the sender is or if there is a specific keyword in the message. Use this plug-in as the condition and the Locale SMS Plug-in as the action so you can automate SMS replies based on what people are sending to you. Locale “Inbound SMS” Plug-in ($1.00)

Final thought

While the majority of the plug-in on the list cost a little bit of money, they are extremely useful when you need something specific done. Locale, by itself is already a great app, but the ability to add plugins to further increase its capability is what makes it truly outstanding. Do you have a hidden gem of a Locale plug-in not on the list? Let us know in the comments below.