Other Android camera applications offer some really cool features and effects to make your images really stand out on Facebook or wherever you share them. Vintage looking pictures seem to be the thing lately. I have always preferred black and white, it seems classy to me.

1. Camera ZOOM FX

A popular paid camera is Camera ZOOM FX. While we normally do not talk about paid applications here, this is one worth the money. Camera ZOOM FX has features Instagram doesn’t have like access to the front facing camera and multiple shooting modes. A feature of Camera ZOOM FX not offered directly by Instagram is adding more effects. This is where your pictures will really be a step apart from the crowd. Here are some of the cool effects for Camera ZOOM FX:

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2. Retro Camera

A really popular effect for pictures is adding a retro look. Retro Camera gives you nothing but retro looking pictures. Choosing between the 5 different camera options gives you a different look and feel to the instantly vintage picture. Effects like film scratching are part of the nuance of certain cameras. You can see which cameras add which effects by tapping on the About this camera tab below each camera on the selection screen.

3. Pudding Camera

Pudding Camera adds effects others on the list do not come close to. Like Retro Camera, you have your choice of cameras. The difference is there are 9+ cameras and 9 different film settings for each camera. Pudding Camera can be used with your front facing camera if your Android device is equipped with one. Real cameras have knobs and buttons so Pudding Camera gives you an classic lighting adjustment knob too for that real camera feel.

4. Camera360 Ultimate

I added Camera360 to the list because of 1 effect that caught my eye. Have you ever seen one of those commercials with everything black and white except one thing like a red rose or a blue pair of jeans? You can add that effect using Camera360; it’s called Magic Colors. A professional looking effect called Tilt Shift is included in Camera360. This is the look where the picture is focused on one thing in the foreground and everything else is kind of blurry. For Android phones with a 5MP or 8mp cameras, this could take some really artistic photos.


About the only thing you are missing out on when you use Android camera apps that aren’t Instagram is the community wall. If you are just starting out with adding cool effects to pictures taken on Android devices, that’s not a big deal. You are more than likely going to share them on Facebook or Google+ anyway. What is the most important feature you look for in an Android camera app? image credit